Welcome to Bridging Brains and Bioacoustics, a virtual seminar series that brings together early career researchers studying the neuroscience and ecology of animal sound. We meet each month for two talks on a theme, ranging from musicality to machine learning across a wide array of species.
You can follow us on Bluesky for talk announcements and links to join.
You can also contact us if you would like to receive updates via e-mail.
Next seminar theme: Pinnipeds
January 17th at 10:00 AM EST
Mathilde Martin
University of Zürich
Diandra Düngen
Max Planck Institute for Pyscholinguistics
December 2024: Vocal Learning
Jean-Nicolas Audet
Anastasia Krasheninnikova
November 2024: Bats
Shivani Hariharan
Maria Sagot
October 2024: Emotion
Elodie Briefer
Zahra Ghasemahmad
September 2024: Birdsong
Javier Sierro
Matteo Sebastianelli
June 2024: Crickets
Jan Clemens
Keren Levy
June 2024: Biotremology
Erica Huey
Malcolm Rosenthal
May 2024: Human-Animal Communication
Marianna Boros
Claire Spottiswoode
April 2024: Hardware
Irina Tolkova
Elena Waidmann
March 2024: Budgerigars
Alondra Villalba
Zhilei Zhao
February 2024: Sperm Whales
January 2024: Acoustic Datasets
Juan Sébastian Ulluoa
Juan Sébastian Cañas
Guanghao You
December 2023: Bioacoustics of Cooperation
Jenn Moss
Patrick Monari
November 2023: Vocal Production
Iris Adam
César Vargas
October 2023: Automated Acoustic Analysis
Nianlong Gu
Kieran Gibb
September 2023: AI and Animal Communication
Felix Effenburger
Yossi Yovel
July 2023: Bats
Ava Kiai
Leonie Baier
June 2023: Genetics
Tracy Burkhard
Bradley Colquitt
May 2023: Rodents
Nicole Pranic
Ralph Peterson
April 2023: Biotremology
Juan López
Caroline Fabre
March 2023: Rhythm and Musicality
Anna Zamm
Chiara De Gregorio
February 2023: Zebra Finches
Katherine Anderson
Hugo Loning
January 2023: Cetaceans
Brigid Maloney
Natalie Posdaljian
December 2022: R and Python
Yannick Jadoul
Marcelo Araya-Salas
November 2022: Vocal Learning
Grace Smith-Vidaurre
Pedro Tiago Martins
October 2022: Hardware
Joshua Neunuebel
Alex Rogers
September 2022: Freshwater Fish
Camille Desjonquers
Max Hoffmann
July 2022: Bats
Julio Hechavarria
Andrew Halley
June 2022: Machine Learning
Tessa Rhinehart
David Nicholson
May 2022: Whales
Mikala Epp
April 2022: Human Speech
Theresa Matzinger
Gregg Castellucci
March 2022: Dogs
Laura Cuaya
Angela Dassow
February 2022: Acoustic Sequencing
Frederic Roemschied
Lena Veit
January 2022: Frogs
Logan James
Charlotte Barkan
December 2021: Insects
Sama Ahmed
Bittu Rajaraman
November 2021: Auditory Processing
Katie Schroeder
David Schneider
October 2021: Computational Methods
Sarab Sethi
Tim Sainburg
September 2021: Bats
Ahana Fernandez
Maimon Rose
August 2021: Marine Fish
Marta Bolgan
Joel Tripp
July 2021: Rodents
Alison Barker
Arkarup Banerjee